Marijuana is a harmful drug, especially to youth.

Studies show that regular use by adolescents leads to lower academic achievement and mental health problems. Early, regular, and long-term use can result in a 6-8 point drop in IQ.


What do you know about Marijuana?

1 / 5

New studies show that young adults under the age of 25 were _______ times more likely to attempt suicide when they used marijuana regularly.

2 / 5

Symptoms of mental illness, like _______________, can be worsened with large amounts of cannabis use more frequently.

3 / 5

Vaping weed is better than smoking it.

4 / 5

____________ is a break from reality that often involves seeing, hearing, and believing things that aren’t real.

5 / 5

Today’s marijuana contains up to _______x the amount of THC (the chemical that gets you high).

Your score is

The average score is 65%


Increased potency = increased risk of psychosis.

Psychosis is a break from reality that often involves seeing, hearing, and believing things that aren’t real.

Regular cannabis users are 5x more likely to have a psychotic disorder.
Occasional cannabis users are 3x more likely to have a psychotic disorder.

Marijuana is addictive.

​17% of those who start using marijuana in their teens become addicted. The addiction rate for daily users jumps to 25-50%.

Cannabis is linked to increased risk for suicide.

New studies show that young adults under the age of 25 were 3½ times more likely to attempt suicide when they used marijuana regularly.

It is increasingly potent.

Marijuana laws have changed and so has the potency. THC levels are 300% higher than they were in the 1990s, leading to higher rates of psychosis, depression and anxiety.

If you see someone who may be overdosing on drugs, immediately call 911!

Remember Good Samaritan Law

Don’t be afraid to call 911 if you’re at a party where drugs are present, and/or you are under the influence of drugs. You cannot get in trouble because you are protected by the Good Samaritan Law. The Good Samaritan Law allows people to call 911 to get help for others who are overdosing without fear of being arrested for having or using drugs.

Kids are vaping weed at alarming rates

In recent years, vaping among frequent marijuana users has quadrupled.

Parents learn more at

Learn the facts at

Prevent the worst, put yourself first.

➥ Marijuana may not be the deadliest drug. But the long-term effects it can have on the brain can still be life-changing.